Pushbutton Switches
Include Snap-Acting Momentary type, Alternated Action type, Sub-miniature type, Microminiature type, Illuminated type, SMT type and Sealed type with UL and ENEC approval.
Include Snap-Acting Momentary type, Alternated Action type, Sub-miniature type, Microminiature type, Illuminated type, SMT type and Sealed type with UL and ENEC approval.
興瀚企業股份有限公司是台灣一家專業在電子開關製造產業的製造服務商. 成立於西元1976年並擁有超過40年的搖柄開關、翹板開關、按鍵開關、滑動開關、指撥開關、觸動開關、微動開關、連接器製造經驗, Salecom總是可以達到客戶各種品質的要求.